+44 (0) 141 353 1143 info@tourism-resources.co.uk

Project Appraisal, Product Development

We are experts in concept testing the potential size and scale of investment opportunities across the tourism, recreation and leisure industry. We prepare detailed market and financial feasibility studies for both public and private sector clients.

Ensuring any project is of market merit, offers value, is sustainable, and which offers wider benefits to an area is at the core of Tourism Resources Companies approach. This sees us prepare fully researched and robust market assessments, concept and product development plans; we clarify the market opportunities, the economic merits, costs and risks of projects on an individual basis.

We present detailed business plans and financial forecasts suitable for all investment purposes. Our clients are then in a position to make informed decisions on any investment option.

Our recent work has included studies on major resort development, hotel and leisure investment, visitor centre proposals and sport and recreation development.

Click on recent project examples